Definition, Meaning and Characteristics of Urban Society

An urban society life spending is similar to having the facilities of modern social life. Social interaction is fast an formal. The rate of social change is faster due to education, technology, industry, and urbanization. A complex social life spending is found in this society in which the people or races, professions, casts, and religions live together and anonymity is the important trait(quality) of this society.

Characteristics f Urban Society
Some of the important characteristics of the urban society are given below.

1. Dense Settlement Pattern
In urban societies, houses are constructed contiguous(touching) to each other due to shortage of land. Millions of people raise within few kilometer of the area which shows high density pf population and also density of population ratio is too much greater than rural society.

2. Palatial Houses
Houses of the urban society is made of stone, bricks, marble and other modern infrastructure. A lot of palatial houses, long buildings and shopping  malls can be seen in these kind of societies costing of huge amount of rupees.

3. Urban Facilities
Facilities of the urban societies are more available is compare to rural society and community like electricity, gas, telephone, drinking water system, mobile phones, fax, internet, paved road networks, airports, shopping malls and commercial center etc, are the main facilities of the urban society.

4. Professions
In the case of urban areas, the major occupations are industrial, administrative, and professional in nature. Divisions of labor and occupational  specialization are very common in towns/cities.

5. Social Interaction
The sociologist Georg Simmel said that social structure of urban societies is based on the interest of groups. The circles of social contact are wide  area of interaction system per man per aggregate. This makes city life more complex and varied. The city life is characterized by the predominance of secondary contacts, impersonal, casual and short- lived relations.

6. Social Change
A high rate of social change is observed in this society. People of this society appreciate and say welcome to new social change and are prone(dispose) to adopt it rapidly.

7. Mobility
The most important feature of urban society is its social mobility. In urban areas the social status of an individual is determined not by heredity or birth but by his heredity or intelligence and perseverance. Urbanity and mobility are positively correlated(mutual relation).

8. Division of Labor
In this society, a very clear and complex division of labor is found and observed in every walks of life. People are trained for their job and functions according to needs of the people.

9. Anonymity
Due to high population pressure, fast life and social differentiation causing crime and violence and here  nobody knows anybody and nobody cares for any body compare to rural society due to the pressure of anonymity (condition of being unknown or namelessness).

10. Formal Social Control
Social control in urban society is essentially formal in nature. Individual's behavior is regulated by such agencies like police, army, jails, law courts etc.

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