Definition of Perspective and its Different types with full details

Definition of Perspective:
Statement ''Perspective is the way that ones looks at something"
The sociological  perspective invites us to look our familiar surroundings in a fresh way. It encourage us to take a new look at the world. We have always taken for granted to examine our social environment with same curiosity that might bring to an exotic (originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country) foreign culture.

Different Types of Perspective

1. Definition of Evolutionary Perspective:

This is earliest perspective in sociology based on the work of Auguste Comte and Herbert Spencer. Statement: "It focuses on how human society originated and grow over a specific period of time".
  1. Evolution is a linear motion. It says society is the outcome of slow linear, gradually and evolution.
  2. According To this perspective, society is going from simple into more complex forms, from hinting to horticulture and from agriculture to scientific and industrialized technological society.
  3. Sociologist using this perspective to look for pattern of change and development appearing in different societies in different time. 
2. Definition of Functionalist Perspective:
Functionalist perspective is a frame work for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose different parts come together to promote solubility and stability.
  1. The Functionalist perspective attempts to explain social institutions as collective, means to meet individual and social needs.
  2. Society is a system and this system is composed of various parts and these parts have their own separate function to compromise and adjust with each other.
  3. For smooth running of society there is need of co-ordination between the various parts of the society.
  4. Emile Durkheim's work is considered the foundation of Functionalist perspective in sociology.
  5. Spencer also contribute in this perspective.
  6. Any organism has a structure that is set of interrelated components such as heads, limbs, heart and so on. Each of of their parts has a function positive consequence for the whole body system.
  7. Spencer compared society to living organism.
  8. Spencer argued that society has a structure. Its interrelated parts are the social institutions i.e Family, Religion, Education, Economy and so on. Each of these components also has a function that contribute to the overall stability of the social system.
3. Definition of Conflict Perspective:
Conflict Perspective is a frame work for building theory that sees society as an area  of inequality that generate conflict and change. Conflict Perspective sees society as a dynamic entity constantly undergoing changing as a result of competition over scare resources.
  1. Conflict Perspective says the struggle between social classes as the main source of change.
  2. In Conflict Perspective state that tension and conflict arise when resources, states and power are unequally distributed among the groups in society and that these conflict become the engine for social change.
  3. Conflict theorists assume that societies are in a constant state of change in which conflict is a permanent feather.
  4. Unlike Functionalist perspective, Conflict perspective is better at explaining social change and weaker at explaining social stability.
  5. Conflict does not necessary means violence, it includes tension, hostility, competition, and disagreement over goals and values. Conflict occurs when means and production is scare in a society.
  6. Conflict Theory is derived from inspiration and the ideas of Karl Marx, which becomes the basic for the conflict perspective.

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