How to Write a Good Research Paper? Understanding the Basics

How to Write a Good Research Paper? Understanding the Basics

How to Write a Good Research Paper? Understanding the Basics

A research paper is a piece of academic formal writing. It is the final product of all involved processes in research like critical thinking, organization, composition, interpretation, and the analysis of the research findings. A research paper should be based on the following sections.

1. Title and Abstract of Research Paper

In a research paper, the title should include the name of the researcher, the name of the research paper, and the submission date of the research paper. All of these must be written at top of the research paper.

While abstract part of the research paper should include an investigation of the problem, research methodology and theoretical or practical orientation and background of the researched problem, and a summary of final results and discussions.

2. Introduction

The introduction of a research paper should be one or two paragraphs. It is the important first section of a research paper. Because it will grab the reader’s attention for the researched problem.

3. Literature Review

In some research papers, the literature review is not important but it depending on the nature of the research topic. Because in literature, the researcher will indicate the background of the topic and will provide the readers with an overview of what others are saying about the research problem. The literature review is not only designed to inform the observers about the expert’s perspectives but also illustrates why the given research problem in the present time is significant.

4. Research Methodology

This section of research will include a number of subsections. It will describe the type of study that the researcher proposes to do as well as how to do it. The researcher will also need to mention the data collection procedure and methods used for data analysis, as well as the limitations of the research problem.

5. Results and Concluding Discussions

Results and concluding discussions will tell the readers what the researcher found and what future studies could be done to further the research topic. It will clearly state and summarize the key points of the research paper like how this research will contribute to the research field and why it is important in the present tense.

6. References
The references section of the research paper will include all the resources used as a background for the given research paper like past research papers, articles, books, or any other materials. References are necessary and should be given at the end of a research paper.

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