Definition of verb, types of verbs, Lexical verbs and Auxiliary verbs, full explanation

Definition of verb, types of verbs, Lexical verbs and Auxiliary verbs, full explanation

Definition of verb

It is a word that denotes or shows action, state or being.
For example; Play, write, look, hear, etc.
  • He plays cricket.
  • She is tired.
  • They are poor.
  • She is our teacher.
  • I am a student.

Types of verbs;

There are two types of verbs.

1. Lexical verbs;

Lexical verbs are those verbs which have a dictionary meaning like see, write, think, walk, etc.
Lexical verbs are further categorize in two groups.

i. Regular Lexical Verbs;

Regular Lexical Verbs are all those verbs which end with ed like clean, wash, fail, pass, etc.

ii. Irregular Lexical Verbs;

Irregular Lexical Verbs are those verbs which have no ed in the end like come, understand, eat, go, meet, take, cut, break, hit, etc.

2. Auxiliary Verbs;

Helping verbs are known as auxiliary verbs like is, will, be, am, can, may, etc. Auxiliary verbs are further classified in two categories.

i. Primary Auxiliary Verbs;

Be (Is, are, was, were, am, being, been), do, have, etc. are called Primary Auxiliary Verbs.

ii. Model Auxiliary Verbs;

Will, shall, may, might, can, could, must, dare, ought, to, need, etc are known Model Auxiliary Verbs.

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